Friday, June 3, 2022

How to Reduce Acid in Your Body


Acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), happens when acid from your stomach goes back up into your esophagus. This can cause heartburn and other uncomfortable symptoms. There are many things you can do to reduce the acid in your body and stop GERD from occurring again. Keep reading to learn more about how to reduce acid in your body naturally, so you can feel comfortable and prevent reflux again.

Lemon Water

Lemons are known for decreasing corrosive levels in your body, making them extraordinary for individuals with assimilation issues. To receive these rewards, all you want is boiling water and lemon juice. Just get a fourth of a new lemon into eight ounces of bubbling water and drink however many times over the course of the day depending on the situation. You can likewise drink it as a component of a cool reviving juice mix or with mint leaves. One way or another, you'll receive some genuine wellbeing rewards from polishing off lemon water routinely!

Proper Fasting

In contrast, I'm not talking about cleansing diets. If you follow them correctly, they can be healthy, but fasting is an entirely different story. My favorite weapon in the battle against systemic inflammation is intermittent fasting. The concept is very simple - consume only one or two meals each day with an eighteen-hour break. you will fast for 24 hours (or more), consuming only water and nothing else. You may also go on an extended fast, consuming zero calories for several days. That being said, I recommend talking to a doctor or nutritionist before going on a fast to make sure you stay hydrated and get all your vitamins.

Remove Soda

Many soft drinks are loaded with acid, which wreaks havoc on your digestive system. Sodas containing phosphoric or citric acid not only cause heartburn and upset stomach, but they also increase your risk of kidney stones. To reduce acid, try cutting out soda altogether or replacing it with a carbonated beverage like seltzer water, club soda or sparkling water. This will significantly reduce your intake of sugar and calories from sugar-sweetened beverages. Cutting out sodas altogether is one of the best ways to reduce acid naturally because you'll eliminate loads of unhealthy additives such as artificial sweeteners, dyes and high fructose corn syrup.

Check pH of Drinking Water

One easy, simple way to reduce acid levels is to start by checking your drinking water. The majority of municipal water sources either have a neutral pH of 7.0 or above. In some cases, where you live can affect your body's acidity level. Depending on where you live, an online search can tell you what your local city's average pH is. If it seems too low, contact city authorities and see if they can install proper filtration systems that can help bring up acidic levels. Or, install a filtration system at home (more on that later)

Essential Oils

One of your primary ways of reducing acidity is through aromatherapy—specifically, through essential oils. Essential oils are often used as fragrances, but they also contain many healing properties. The key is determining which type of oil would work best for you and then finding a reputable source. Aromatherapy is designed to address individual needs and so it can be tailored toward whatever you may need relief from. Lavender works well for stress while peppermint or eucalyptus is better for sinus issues or congestion due to colds or allergies.

Avoid Dairy Products


Often, those who suffer from acid reflux have cow’s milk sensitivities. While you can always go for lactose-free or fat-free versions of milk products, eliminating them completely is still recommended if you want a lasting solution. This includes yogurt, ice cream and cottage cheese as well. If you rely on dairy for calcium intake, there are still plenty of other options available such as almond milk and soy milk; they both have just as much calcium as cow’s milk but none of the negative effects.

Try Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid, which helps to reduce excess uric acid. By adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your morning smoothie, you can help prevent kidney stones, and also lower your cholesterol or manage diabetes. This combination may still have some of the benefits of ACV without some of the negative side effects, so drink it with warm water in the morning and add raw honey for flavor. For example, it's been linked to upset stomach and heartburn for some people. And if you have certain autoimmune disorders or gut issues, like leaky gut syndrome, you may want to consult your doctor before including apple cider vinegar into your diet for a long time.