Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Secret Benefit of Coconut Water That Everyone Needs to Know


Coconut water has gotten plenty of press lately, mostly due to the increased popularity of coconut water beverages on the market (think Vita Coco and Zico). However, just like many other popular health foods out there, some of the information that’s out there about coconut water might not be entirely accurate. Before you stock up on coconut water, it’s important to know what its real benefits are and where these myths came from. Keep reading to find out more about the benefits of coconut water and why this popular beverage could really be good for your health.


Benefits of drinking coconut water

Starting your day with a tall glass of cool, refreshing coconut water is good for you in many ways. Hydrating your body will increase your energy levels and give you more stamina to power through a long day. The electrolytes in coconut water will improve your heart health by lowering your blood pressure and helping maintain normal blood sugar levels—important factors when it comes to preventing diabetes. A good night’s sleep also depends on maintaining normal blood sugar levels—so make sure you drink some coconut water before bedtime, as well!


Amazing Things That Happen When You Drink Coconut Water Daily

This tropical fruit is an excellent source of electrolytes, which help balance water and mineral levels in your body. The electrolytes in coconut water are also essential for normal nerve, muscle and heart function. For example, when you experience muscle weakness or cramps after a hard workout, your muscles may be lacking in potassium (one type of electrolyte). What many people don’t know is that coconut water has more potassium than a banana! Drinking it regularly can give you plenty to keep your body healthy and properly hydrated all day long.


Lower Blood Pressure 

Though it is inconclusive, there is some evidence that coconut water may improve hypertension, and a 2013 study found that consuming 20 fluid ounces per day for 8 weeks could help both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as triglycerides. However, in another study, there was no change in mean systolic or diastolic blood pressure between a group taking 26 ml (1 ounce) of fresh coconut water daily and a control group. Further research is needed before coconut water can be recommended as a treatment for hypertension.


Improve Digestion 

Coconut water has one particular benefit that no other natural drink can provide: its high concentration of potassium. Potassium is vital for maintaining a healthy heart, kidneys and other organs. The best way to supplement your potassium levels is with food, which is why it’s so beneficial to add coconut water—or foods containing coconut water—to your diet. For example, eating bananas makes it easier for your body to digest proteins. After eating a protein-heavy meal like steak or chicken, try sipping on some coconut water for maximum effect.


Boost Metabolism 

Coconut water is a natural source of several nutrients that play an important role in metabolism. Fiber is one nutrient, which helps you feel full so you’re less likely to snack on unhealthy foods. Magnesium is another nutrient found in coconut water, and can help boost your body’s use of glucose—your brain’s primary fuel source. Magnesium can also help control high blood pressure, which may help prevent diabetes-related complications later in life. B Vitamins are another important nutrient family that plays an essential role in metabolism; B vitamins are needed for proper energy production and healthy nervous system function.


Maintain Energy Levels 

Whether you’re exercising, at work or taking care of your family, coconut water is a great way to boost your energy levels throughout the day. It contains nine grams of sugar per serving, but it also has seven amino acids (the building blocks for protein), iron and magnesium. Maintaining adequate levels of all three nutrients are key to managing tiredness because they are involved in releasing and using energy in your body. For example, if you don’t have enough iron or magnesium then their ability to break down sugar into usable fuel is hampered. As a result, your cells won’t get as much energy as they need and you will feel fatigued.


Healthy Bones and Teeth 

Not only does coconut water have high levels of potassium and a range of other beneficial nutrients, but it also contains an amino acid called L-laurinolactone, which is known for its ability to strengthen tooth enamel. In addition, research has shown that drinking coconut water can help fight against kidney stones as well as boost immunity and improve circulation. So drink up! It’s a little known secret about coconut water that everyone needs to know about!


Cool Down Quickly 

Heat emergencies are one of our body’s worst nightmares. If you don’t treat them in time, they can lead to organ failure, permanent damage, and even death. The best way to avoid heat emergencies is by staying hydrated. But if you find yourself getting tired or overheated at work, don’t just reach for a cold glass of water—try coconut water instead. By its nature, coconut water is cooler than most other liquids we consume; it's been shown to lower our internal temperature quickly after consumption.