Thursday, June 2, 2022

How To Reduce Cholesterol Without Medication

If you have high cholesterol and are concerned about your health, you’re not alone. One out of every three adults in the United States has high cholesterol, and more than half of those with the condition don’t even know it. If you want to reduce your cholesterol levels without medication, here are three natural ways to do so. Reducing cholesterol naturally can help keep your heart healthy and lower your risk of heart disease, so it’s worth it to try these techniques first if you’re looking to maintain or improve your health long-term. 


There are lots of reasons why you might want to lower your cholesterol, and if you have high LDL cholesterol, or even non-high-density lipoprotein (HDL) — that’s bad — then going on a statin drug or other treatment is probably a good idea. But there are natural ways you can also try to lower your risk of heart disease while taking fewer drugs: Stay active, get some fresh air and avoid unhealthy foods. Research has shown that eating less animal fat, consuming more unsaturated fats like olive oil and avoiding saturated fats can lower your risk of heart disease even if it doesn’t necessarily lead to an improvement in bad (LDL) cholesterol levels. 


When it comes to keeping your cholesterol in check, exercise is more than just a good idea; it’s critical. Not only does regular physical activity help keep your body healthy and strong, but also lowers your blood pressure and improves overall health. If you have heart disease or high blood pressure, exercise can significantly lower these conditions by lowering cholesterol levels and raising good HDL. (It also helps you lose weight, which can positively impact your cardiovascular health.) You don’t need an expensive gym membership or hours of training—just 10 minutes of low-intensity exercise three times a week is enough. Take a stroll at lunch instead of sitting behind your desk all day, take the stairs instead of riding in an get the picture! 


While a healthy diet and exercise plan can greatly improve your health, you may want to consider supplements. There are certain vitamins that aid in lowering cholesterol levels. Supplements like CoQ10 and lipoic acid have been shown in studies to be effective at helping manage blood pressure and keeping a healthy heart rate. The key is knowing which supplements will help you, so discuss your options with your doctor before adding them into your daily routine.

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