Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Tonic Water: The unexpected health benefits you didn't know about


The best part about drinking tonic water? It’s calorie-free! The worst part about drinking tonic water? It’s calorie-free! Why does the best part of something have to be the worst part too? Although it’s sugar-free, most tonic waters contain high levels of sodium and sugar substitutes that aren’t necessarily better than other sweeteners. In fact, some health experts say they could actually be worse than sugar in terms of leading to weight gain and diabetes. Still, here are some unexpected benefits you may not know about when it comes to drinking tonic water.


Improves Circulation and Cell Activity 

Tonic water contains quinine, which is a natural vasodilator that improves blood flow and cell activity. Doctors will often recommend tonic water to people with arthritis because it can decrease joint pain and increase mobility. Drinking tonic water may help those with circulatory problems such as varicose veins and spider veins.


Purifies Your Body 

If you want to drink something healthy, look for tonic water. For example, did you know that Schweppes Tonic Water is low in calories and sodium? This means it is a great drink for people who are trying to lose weight or looking to maintain their current weight. Furthermore, one eight-ounce serving of tonic water only contains ten calories and twenty-one milligrams of sodium! Many carbonated drinks on the market today have more than twice as many calories as Schweppes Tonic!


Boosts Liver Function 

Your liver is your body's largest internal organ and does a lot of different jobs. It helps digest food, produces bile for digestion, and manufactures proteins to help your blood clot. The list goes on. A damaged liver can cause problems for the rest of the body, which is why some research says that drinking tonic water can help.


Speeds Up Recovery from Flu and Other Illnesses 

Ever heard of quinine? This alkaloid that can be found in cinchona bark and some types of tonic water is frequently used in medications to combat malaria. This is just one of those crazy bits of information that some people may have known all along but they're getting more common knowledge nowadays.


Helps In Weight Loss 

One of tonic water’s lesser-known properties is its ability to promote weight loss. This miracle beverage can help with appetite suppression, which in turn may lead to fat burning and decreased belly fat. When consumed before meals, those who drink tonic water have reported fewer overall cravings for high-calorie foods like sweets and junk food.


Reduces Cellulite 

Tonic water reduces cellulite in your body and a surplus of fat is what's to blame for cellulite. To combat cellulite, eat a balanced diet and get exercise. But in addition to that, according to recent research, it is also important to drink tonic water regularly. Not only will this reduce the severity of your cellulite, but after some time, it will also improve the condition of your skin.


Helps Maintain Energy Levels 

For physical health, it may not be as important to tonic water as to be its beneficial qualities. But it also can give an extra energy boost. For example, if you feel a lack of energy at the end of the day, drinking a glass of tonic water with lemon can give you the extra energy boost you need.

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