Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Best Fruits for Dieting


Everyone knows that eating fruits can help you lose weight, but did you know there are some fruits better than others? For instance, if you want to lose weight fast, it’s best to focus on water-rich fruits like citrus fruits and berries, which contain high amounts of fructose and fiber—and which also have fewer calories per serving than fruit that’s higher in starch (for example, bananas or apples). On the other hand, if you want to lose weight more slowly over time, it’s best to focus on stone fruits like peaches or plums. 


A great source of fiber, apples make you feel full with just a few bites. One medium apple contains a mere 100 calories, but because they’re high in water content, they’ll feel much more filling. As well as being delicious, apples are also super healthy – providing cardiovascular and eye health benefits thanks to their antioxidants and flavonoids (plant compounds). If you think your diet is missing out on important nutrients or vitamins and minerals, try snacking on an apple between meals. Not only will it fill you up quickly without busting your calorie bank; it will also satisfy your taste buds with natural sweetness. 


One of the best fruits for dieting, oranges are low in calories, but high in fiber. Research shows that a fiber-rich diet will keep you feeling full and satisfied longer than one without fiber. In addition to helping you feel full, oranges also contain phytonutrients that may be useful in managing cardiovascular health and prevent stroke. When considering oranges as a weight loss food, be aware that some orange juices have added sugar or other preservatives to help boost flavor or preserve color. Make sure to read nutrition labels and choose an orange juice with no added sugar or other additives. You can also sweeten up your own fresh-squeezed orange juice with honey if you’re looking to add some sweetness without adding extra calories from sugar! 


Not only are pears delicious, but they’re also a good source of fiber and water. Eating foods with high water content can help to make you feel full without a lot of calories, which is perfect if you’re trying to lose weight. Because they’re so versatile—you can eat them at any time of day—they’re one of my favorite fruits to eat while dieting. My favorite way to have them is roasted with cinnamon. You can make your own or buy prepackaged individual servings in most grocery stores. They sell these in cans and it tastes very yummy! (NUTRITION FACTS) 


Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries are among some of the healthiest fruits you can find. These colorful little morsels not only offer plenty of fiber and vitamin C but they also provide antioxidants—these help fight free radicals that can cause cancer and other illnesses. What’s more, berries are relatively low in calories, so you don’t have to feel guilty about snacking on them. Be sure to go easy on syrups or sugars when adding them to your cereal or smoothies, though; otherwise you’ll throw off your healthy eating goals. 


The body burns more calories digesting a banana than it does eating one. For example, it takes about ten minutes to eat half of a medium banana (136 calories), but your body uses twenty minutes to digest it—and that extra energy is released as heat. The complex sugars found in bananas are absorbed slowly and help keep blood sugar on an even keel. They’re also filled with potassium, which helps to prevent water retention and bloat, leading to less puffiness under your eyes.

Top 5 Benefits of Cherries for Your Health

Cherries are one of the most delicious fruits available, and they're packed with nutrients to boot. Packed full of antioxidants and other healthy compounds, cherries can help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and more. Here are the top five benefits of cherries and what you can do to get them into your diet every day!

 1) Rich in Antioxidants 

Cherries contain anthocyanins and hydroxycinnamic acids, both powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that help your body in fighting free radicals, which are oxygen molecules with unpaired electrons. Free radicals contribute to premature aging and disease by damaging cells and cell membranes. However, antioxidants can help neutralize these harmful molecules and slow down or prevent further damage. In addition to cherries, other antioxidant-rich foods include blueberries, pomegranates, apples, red grapes and red cabbage. 

 2) Rich in Vitamin C 

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that plays a role in immunity, vision and healthy skin. If you’re trying to lose weight or stay healthy, it’s important to make sure you are getting enough Vitamin C each day. One cup of pitted fresh cherries contains 87.9 milligrams (mg) of Vitamin C, which is 15 percent of your daily value. That’s more than half your recommended daily intake in just one cup! To improve your diet and get rid of some fat around your midsection, incorporate more foods high in Vitamin C into your diet. Berries like raspberries and blackberries are good options as well as bell peppers and citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit. 

 3) Weight Loss Aid 

Consuming cherries has been shown to help people shed a few pounds. Researchers in Germany studied nearly 2,000 men and women ages 20 to 79 who drank cherry juice daily for three months. The result? Those who regularly consumed tart cherry juice lost about 1.5 pounds more than those who didn't. They also felt less hungry before meals, which may have helped them avoid snacking between meals. Aside from aiding weight loss, cherries are also packed with anti-inflammatory agents that can ease joint pain in arthritis sufferers; antioxidants that slow aging and reduce your risk of heart disease; calcium that keeps bones strong; and plant compounds called anthocyanins, which may be responsible for cherry's anti-cancer powers. 

 4) Prevents Memory Loss 

If you want to reduce your risk of memory loss as you age, reach for a handful of cherries. Research has shown that eating tart cherries can help improve cognitive function and brain health. In fact, according to a study conducted by Michigan State University, rats who were fed tart cherry extract showed an improvement in memory retention and communication compared to rats not given cherry extract. While scientists aren’t sure exactly how cherries help prevent mental decline, they believe it could be due to anthocyanins — an antioxidant found in dark red fruit like cherries that has been shown to fight inflammation and oxidative stress. 

 5) Healthy Bones 

As far as I know, no one has ever claimed that cherries are a magical solution to your bone health. But that doesn’t mean they can’t help. A recent study found that eating two servings of tart cherries each day over a 14-day period could improve markers of bone formation and resorption—which is exactly what you want if you have osteoporosis or are at risk for it. Cherry consumption may also be useful in helping older women manage their overall weight, since researchers have discovered a strong correlation between obesity and accelerated bone loss.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Tonic Water: The unexpected health benefits you didn't know about


The best part about drinking tonic water? It’s calorie-free! The worst part about drinking tonic water? It’s calorie-free! Why does the best part of something have to be the worst part too? Although it’s sugar-free, most tonic waters contain high levels of sodium and sugar substitutes that aren’t necessarily better than other sweeteners. In fact, some health experts say they could actually be worse than sugar in terms of leading to weight gain and diabetes. Still, here are some unexpected benefits you may not know about when it comes to drinking tonic water.


Improves Circulation and Cell Activity 

Tonic water contains quinine, which is a natural vasodilator that improves blood flow and cell activity. Doctors will often recommend tonic water to people with arthritis because it can decrease joint pain and increase mobility. Drinking tonic water may help those with circulatory problems such as varicose veins and spider veins.


Purifies Your Body 

If you want to drink something healthy, look for tonic water. For example, did you know that Schweppes Tonic Water is low in calories and sodium? This means it is a great drink for people who are trying to lose weight or looking to maintain their current weight. Furthermore, one eight-ounce serving of tonic water only contains ten calories and twenty-one milligrams of sodium! Many carbonated drinks on the market today have more than twice as many calories as Schweppes Tonic!


Boosts Liver Function 

Your liver is your body's largest internal organ and does a lot of different jobs. It helps digest food, produces bile for digestion, and manufactures proteins to help your blood clot. The list goes on. A damaged liver can cause problems for the rest of the body, which is why some research says that drinking tonic water can help.


Speeds Up Recovery from Flu and Other Illnesses 

Ever heard of quinine? This alkaloid that can be found in cinchona bark and some types of tonic water is frequently used in medications to combat malaria. This is just one of those crazy bits of information that some people may have known all along but they're getting more common knowledge nowadays.


Helps In Weight Loss 

One of tonic water’s lesser-known properties is its ability to promote weight loss. This miracle beverage can help with appetite suppression, which in turn may lead to fat burning and decreased belly fat. When consumed before meals, those who drink tonic water have reported fewer overall cravings for high-calorie foods like sweets and junk food.


Reduces Cellulite 

Tonic water reduces cellulite in your body and a surplus of fat is what's to blame for cellulite. To combat cellulite, eat a balanced diet and get exercise. But in addition to that, according to recent research, it is also important to drink tonic water regularly. Not only will this reduce the severity of your cellulite, but after some time, it will also improve the condition of your skin.


Helps Maintain Energy Levels 

For physical health, it may not be as important to tonic water as to be its beneficial qualities. But it also can give an extra energy boost. For example, if you feel a lack of energy at the end of the day, drinking a glass of tonic water with lemon can give you the extra energy boost you need.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Fatigue Medication For Both Men And Women



                                        1-Ginger,         2-Fingerroot,         3-Lemon,         4-Honey

How to make: 

Put these four ingredients in a glass together (the more ginger and fingerroot, more better), while the lemon is more or less sour up to your needing, then add honey until the medicine sank and keep for a month (if 3 months is more better) and drink a glass of coffee at a time per day.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Bananas: The Ripe Choice for Good Health


Many people are surprised to learn that bananas are not only good, sweet treats, but they’re also great in salads, smoothies, and baked goods. The healthy benefits of bananas don’t stop there! Bananas offer plenty of vitamins and minerals like vitamin B6, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and manganese. They even contain tryptophan and have been shown to help promote brain health! And bananas provide nearly 100% of your daily value of vitamin C in just one serving.

 Weight Loss 

Bananas are high in resistant starch and pectin, two types of fiber that help regulate blood sugar levels and help you feel full. Research has shown that resistant starch may also help keep your gut healthy. Meanwhile, bananas contain a prebiotic fiber called fructooligosaccharide (FOS), which helps maintain a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria—boosting immunity, improving digestive health, reducing gas, curbing sugar cravings and keeping weight in check.


Reduce Menopausal Symptoms 

Bananas contain a high amount of potassium, which can help lower blood pressure and reduce menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. The potassium also helps regulate your body's sodium levels, so by incorporating more bananas into your diet you will better manage any potential weight gain. Plus, since potassium is good for bone health, it can also help to prevent osteoporosis.


Boost Bone Density

Bananas are rich in potassium, a mineral that can help prevent bone loss. Studies have shown that women who eat bananas are at lower risk of osteoporosis, especially if they get just over half their daily recommended intake (1,500 milligrams). Look out for signs of low bone density early on; it’s not always easy to detect, but here are a few telltale symptoms: Shortness of breath and back pain. Ask your doctor about getting tested.


Enhance Energy Levels 

Eat bananas to increase your energy levels and prevent fatigue during exercise. Bananas contain high levels of potassium, a mineral that helps replenish lost fluids and maintain muscle function during periods of exertion. They also have natural sugars that are absorbed into your bloodstream at a steady rate, making them ideal to eat before or after exercise sessions.


Improve Digestion and Bowel Movements 

Bananas are easier to digest and can help to encourage regular digestion and bowel movements. As well, their high fiber content assists in the production of a bulkier stool that can be passed more easily. There are plenty of other healthy perks too, like that bananas may reduce constipation by stimulating bowel movements. Additionally, they help produce an enzyme in our stomachs that aids in absorbing fats and can therefore be great if you have problems with indigestion or heartburn.


Increase Breast Milk Production in Mothers 

How to Increase Breast Milk Production in Moms - Pumping breast milk is a must if you’re a breastfeeding mom. However, your supply can sometimes be low or even run out completely. If that’s happening to you, it’s important to understand why and know how to fix it. Keep reading for some great tips on how to increase breast milk production and prevent your breasts from running dry.


Heal Skin Conditions 

Bananas are filled with vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Potassium is a key ingredient in healing numerous skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Bananas have beta-carotene, which is one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants help to reverse cellular damage that occurs from poor diet or environmental stressors like pollution. This aids in slowing down signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines.


Fight Infections 

Bananas are a good source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. The vitamin C in bananas boosts your immune system and helps you to fight infection. They also contain prebiotics that aid digestion, as well as antioxidants that promote cardiovascular health. Bananas may even help to reduce PMS symptoms in women during their menstrual cycle, making them an important part of a healthy diet if you suffer from depression or anxiety at that time of month.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Secret Benefit of Coconut Water That Everyone Needs to Know


Coconut water has gotten plenty of press lately, mostly due to the increased popularity of coconut water beverages on the market (think Vita Coco and Zico). However, just like many other popular health foods out there, some of the information that’s out there about coconut water might not be entirely accurate. Before you stock up on coconut water, it’s important to know what its real benefits are and where these myths came from. Keep reading to find out more about the benefits of coconut water and why this popular beverage could really be good for your health.


Benefits of drinking coconut water

Starting your day with a tall glass of cool, refreshing coconut water is good for you in many ways. Hydrating your body will increase your energy levels and give you more stamina to power through a long day. The electrolytes in coconut water will improve your heart health by lowering your blood pressure and helping maintain normal blood sugar levels—important factors when it comes to preventing diabetes. A good night’s sleep also depends on maintaining normal blood sugar levels—so make sure you drink some coconut water before bedtime, as well!


Amazing Things That Happen When You Drink Coconut Water Daily

This tropical fruit is an excellent source of electrolytes, which help balance water and mineral levels in your body. The electrolytes in coconut water are also essential for normal nerve, muscle and heart function. For example, when you experience muscle weakness or cramps after a hard workout, your muscles may be lacking in potassium (one type of electrolyte). What many people don’t know is that coconut water has more potassium than a banana! Drinking it regularly can give you plenty to keep your body healthy and properly hydrated all day long.


Lower Blood Pressure 

Though it is inconclusive, there is some evidence that coconut water may improve hypertension, and a 2013 study found that consuming 20 fluid ounces per day for 8 weeks could help both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as triglycerides. However, in another study, there was no change in mean systolic or diastolic blood pressure between a group taking 26 ml (1 ounce) of fresh coconut water daily and a control group. Further research is needed before coconut water can be recommended as a treatment for hypertension.


Improve Digestion 

Coconut water has one particular benefit that no other natural drink can provide: its high concentration of potassium. Potassium is vital for maintaining a healthy heart, kidneys and other organs. The best way to supplement your potassium levels is with food, which is why it’s so beneficial to add coconut water—or foods containing coconut water—to your diet. For example, eating bananas makes it easier for your body to digest proteins. After eating a protein-heavy meal like steak or chicken, try sipping on some coconut water for maximum effect.


Boost Metabolism 

Coconut water is a natural source of several nutrients that play an important role in metabolism. Fiber is one nutrient, which helps you feel full so you’re less likely to snack on unhealthy foods. Magnesium is another nutrient found in coconut water, and can help boost your body’s use of glucose—your brain’s primary fuel source. Magnesium can also help control high blood pressure, which may help prevent diabetes-related complications later in life. B Vitamins are another important nutrient family that plays an essential role in metabolism; B vitamins are needed for proper energy production and healthy nervous system function.


Maintain Energy Levels 

Whether you’re exercising, at work or taking care of your family, coconut water is a great way to boost your energy levels throughout the day. It contains nine grams of sugar per serving, but it also has seven amino acids (the building blocks for protein), iron and magnesium. Maintaining adequate levels of all three nutrients are key to managing tiredness because they are involved in releasing and using energy in your body. For example, if you don’t have enough iron or magnesium then their ability to break down sugar into usable fuel is hampered. As a result, your cells won’t get as much energy as they need and you will feel fatigued.


Healthy Bones and Teeth 

Not only does coconut water have high levels of potassium and a range of other beneficial nutrients, but it also contains an amino acid called L-laurinolactone, which is known for its ability to strengthen tooth enamel. In addition, research has shown that drinking coconut water can help fight against kidney stones as well as boost immunity and improve circulation. So drink up! It’s a little known secret about coconut water that everyone needs to know about!


Cool Down Quickly 

Heat emergencies are one of our body’s worst nightmares. If you don’t treat them in time, they can lead to organ failure, permanent damage, and even death. The best way to avoid heat emergencies is by staying hydrated. But if you find yourself getting tired or overheated at work, don’t just reach for a cold glass of water—try coconut water instead. By its nature, coconut water is cooler than most other liquids we consume; it's been shown to lower our internal temperature quickly after consumption.

Monday, June 13, 2022

How Walnuts Can Boost Your Health


There are countless benefits to eating more walnuts, which are the edible seeds of walnut trees. Besides tasting great and having a unique crunchy texture, these nuts contain some powerful health benefits that are essential to maintaining optimal health. Here’s what you need to know about walnuts and how they can benefit your health in so many ways.


Omega 3 Fatty Acids 

People often do not get enough omega-3s and omega-3s are very important for heart health. You can get omega-3s from many types of food including fish, ground flax, and walnuts. Soybean, corn, and sunflower oils also provide omega-3s. although we are looking for the aforementioned unhealthy fats in these products, but beware of the healthy, unsaturated fats in nuts, as over-consumption may lead to weight gain if one does not find an adequate outlet for the energy it creates. If you want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, eating nuts in moderation is best because they are very high in fat and calories.


Brain-Boosting Nuts 

Much like avocados, whole walnuts can improve the health of your body and brain. Some of their benefits include improved cognition, better skin, and improved heart health. Apart from having a number of antioxidants, these nuts also have healthful fats that can lower your risk of heart disease. All that and you can have a handful of nuts every day. Sample as many kinds as you can because they all have their own specific tastes. You can find these products at most grocery stores, or explore the bulk bins at your local grocer or a specialty store. The solution is to put them in an airtight container so they won't spoil.


Other Important Nutrients 

Countless studies have shown that people who eat nuts are at a lower risk for obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and premature death. Beneficial effects come from polyphenols, an antioxidant that may affect DNA expression and production of proteins associated with inflammation. If you're allergic to walnuts, or don't enjoy them, another type of nut may be equally beneficial: according to one study, people who ate almonds at least five times per week had a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who ate them less often. Thus, more studies show that tree nuts in general can decrease cholesterol levels, help manage insulin sensitivity, and reduce markers linked to chronic inflammation.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Health Benefits of Avocados


Avocados contain essential vitamins and minerals, like Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium, and Manganese. They also contain antioxidants that can help combat free radicals in the body. As an added bonus, avocados are also full of healthy fats that can keep you feeling full between meals, which means you’re less likely to overeat at your next meal or snack. Avocados are also known to provide relief from joint pain and muscle aches due to their high-quality fat content. 

Improve Energy

Whether you’re trying to slim down or bulk up, avocados are a great way to keep your energy levels up as you change your diet. They’re high in healthy fats, and protein and fiber help keep you full. And while there are plenty of healthier snacks you can pack into a lunchbox, avocados are a favorite because they don’t have to be refrigerated and they can be eaten right out of hand. They’re also low in calories but high in vitamins A and C; one study showed that people who regularly eat avocados have improved blood cholesterol levels! Talk about an all-around good-for-you food. To get even more from these nutritional powerhouses, here are some other ways to eat them


Boost Weight Loss 

In order to maintain or lose weight, try eating avocado for a healthful dose of mono-unsaturated fats. These fats, found in the mono-unsaturated fats in avocados, have been shown to have links to a lower risk for heart-related illnesses. Avocados provide more than 20 vitamins and minerals per fruit—they're the perfect diet food. Dip with guacamole or spread on whole wheat toast instead of jelly. Try diced avocado as an ingredient in salad dressing or as a topping on grilled fish. And these are other yummy ways to enjoy avocados. Click here to learn more


Reduce Cholesterol 

Studies show that avocados can help reduce cholesterol thanks to healthy amounts of oleic acid, monounsaturated fat, and soluble fiber. More importantly, avocados seem to actually help the body absorb and use both good and bad fats. Eating half an avocado a day could lead to 10% lower LDL cholesterol. Although that alone is not enough to stop heart disease, it's a start!


Increase Good HDL Cholesterol 

Research has shown that avocados contain compounds called phytosterols, which can assist with expanding great cholesterol (HDL). Bringing down awful cholesterol (LDL) and raising great cholesterol (HDL) is a lot simpler to do with diet than drugs, so consistently eating avocados could be a simple method for further developing your cholesterol profile. One reason it could be great to eat more avocados is that exploration demonstrates they might bring down your circulatory strain, decline aggravation, and reduction your possibilities fostering a few tumors. Obviously, on the off chance that you really want one more motivation to eat more avocados, you presently have one!


Enhance Skin Health 

To the extent that natural product go, avocados are a shockingly rich wellspring of skin-improving nutrients and supplements. A solitary avocado gives almost 10% (or 100 milligrams) of your everyday suggested admission of L-ascorbic acid - a cell reinforcement known to help collagen creation. That is two times as much L-ascorbic acid as is found in oranges and papayas, making it a unimaginably hydrating superfood for your face and body. Avocado's additionally contain more potassium than bananas - one more key supplement for solid, gleaming skin.


Prevent Age-Related Cognitive Decline 

Research suggests that a diet rich in antioxidants, such as those found in avocados, may be able to protect your brain from age-related cognitive decline. While avocado doesn’t have an exceptionally high antioxidant count, it does contain numerous phytochemicals that help prevent damage to cells throughout your body. And because it’s so easy to add to salads or sandwiches, avocados are one of my favorite sources for easy antioxidants. I recommend keeping them on hand for regular snacking!


Lower Blood Pressure 

It's believed that avocados may reduce blood pressure and lower one's risk for heart disease. In a study published in Pharmacological Research, scientists fed guinea pigs high-cholesterol diets and found that those who ate avocado had significantly reduced levels of LDL (or bad) cholesterol and triglycerides compared to those who did not eat avocado. It has been found in the Journal of Nutrition that avocados contain essential nutrients such as vitamin E, folate, potassium, and dietary fiber. Cholesterol reducing supplements make it easier for your body to absorb LDL cholesterol.


Prevent Type 2 Diabetes 

Based on a study published in Diabetes Care in 2011, there is a correlation between a high intake of monounsaturated fats and decreased insulin resistance. As a result, those who eat foods with high levels of these healthy fats are less likely to gain weight. Oleic acid has also been shown to aid in weight-loss and help people maintain their figure by decreasing appetite and hunger, while increasing feelings of fullness. This may be helpful for those who wish to lose weight but maintain a satisfying meal experience.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

5 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Men and Women


Aloe Vera comes from the inner layer of the succulent plant Aloe Vera, and its extract can be used topically to treat several skin conditions. It’s also used in cosmetic products like toothpaste, shampoo, moisturizers, and even shampoos. Both men and women can reap its benefits, so if you haven’t tried it yet, maybe it’s time to get started! Read on to find out five benefits of aloe vera for men and women alike.

1) Aloe Vera – The Healing Plant 

If you’re in pain, aloe vera might be able to help. That’s because the plant is known for having a wide range of therapeutic effects; it can even help heal wounds. As a matter of fact, one study found that people who were given an aloe vera gel directly from their doctor after surgery had shorter hospital stays than those who weren’t treated with aloe vera (1). It may also be helpful if you have inflammatory bowel disease or diabetes (2, 3). However, most research has been done on animals so far. More studies are needed before we know whether aloe vera works on humans.


2) Uses Of Aloe For Skin 

Most parts of an aloe plant are used for a variety of treatments. A prime example is the thick, sticky liquid that coats the inside of a leaf. When pulled out, it is used as a topical lotion to reduce inflammation and provide relief from sunburns, insect bites, razor burn, acne blemishes, and more. Aloe vera also helps healing by speeding up cell regeneration. You can apply it topically, drink it in a tea, or add it to a face mask..


3) Health Benefits Of Taking Aloe Vera Juice 

Aloe Vera is packed with a wide range of vitamins A, C, E, and minerals, all of which are necessary for maintaining a healthy skin. After it's in your body for a few minutes, it not only starts treating your cuts, burns, ulcers, and infections, but it also helps you start feeling really great because it moisturizes your skin and helps give it that beautiful shine and glow you've always wanted. It reduces dandruff, makes your hair shinier, reduces split ends, promotes good digestion by reducing constipation, bloating, and diarrhea. Great for lowering high cholesterol levels, fights cancer by reducing tumor growth in the lungs.: 


4) How To Make And Use Tea From The Leaves Of The Plant 

Lots of people use aloe vera for many different things, and it can help with both pain and inflammation. As a matter of fact, you can make tea from aloe vera leaves. Making tea from aloe vera offers many benefits. Today, learn how to make it on your own at home!


5) How To Use The Gel Inside Its Stem 

Taking out the gel in aloe vera's stem is helpful, just take off one of its leaves and take a bit out of its center. Mix it with fruit juice, fruit smoothies, or tea. You can also use aloe vera gel on your skin for the treatment of burns, rashes, or aching muscles. If you're using a commercially-produced aloe vera gel, avoid additives such as preservatives. Some of these additives may cause skin to become irritated.

Friday, June 3, 2022

How to Reduce Acid in Your Body


Acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), happens when acid from your stomach goes back up into your esophagus. This can cause heartburn and other uncomfortable symptoms. There are many things you can do to reduce the acid in your body and stop GERD from occurring again. Keep reading to learn more about how to reduce acid in your body naturally, so you can feel comfortable and prevent reflux again.

Lemon Water

Lemons are known for decreasing corrosive levels in your body, making them extraordinary for individuals with assimilation issues. To receive these rewards, all you want is boiling water and lemon juice. Just get a fourth of a new lemon into eight ounces of bubbling water and drink however many times over the course of the day depending on the situation. You can likewise drink it as a component of a cool reviving juice mix or with mint leaves. One way or another, you'll receive some genuine wellbeing rewards from polishing off lemon water routinely!

Proper Fasting

In contrast, I'm not talking about cleansing diets. If you follow them correctly, they can be healthy, but fasting is an entirely different story. My favorite weapon in the battle against systemic inflammation is intermittent fasting. The concept is very simple - consume only one or two meals each day with an eighteen-hour break. you will fast for 24 hours (or more), consuming only water and nothing else. You may also go on an extended fast, consuming zero calories for several days. That being said, I recommend talking to a doctor or nutritionist before going on a fast to make sure you stay hydrated and get all your vitamins.

Remove Soda

Many soft drinks are loaded with acid, which wreaks havoc on your digestive system. Sodas containing phosphoric or citric acid not only cause heartburn and upset stomach, but they also increase your risk of kidney stones. To reduce acid, try cutting out soda altogether or replacing it with a carbonated beverage like seltzer water, club soda or sparkling water. This will significantly reduce your intake of sugar and calories from sugar-sweetened beverages. Cutting out sodas altogether is one of the best ways to reduce acid naturally because you'll eliminate loads of unhealthy additives such as artificial sweeteners, dyes and high fructose corn syrup.

Check pH of Drinking Water

One easy, simple way to reduce acid levels is to start by checking your drinking water. The majority of municipal water sources either have a neutral pH of 7.0 or above. In some cases, where you live can affect your body's acidity level. Depending on where you live, an online search can tell you what your local city's average pH is. If it seems too low, contact city authorities and see if they can install proper filtration systems that can help bring up acidic levels. Or, install a filtration system at home (more on that later)

Essential Oils

One of your primary ways of reducing acidity is through aromatherapy—specifically, through essential oils. Essential oils are often used as fragrances, but they also contain many healing properties. The key is determining which type of oil would work best for you and then finding a reputable source. Aromatherapy is designed to address individual needs and so it can be tailored toward whatever you may need relief from. Lavender works well for stress while peppermint or eucalyptus is better for sinus issues or congestion due to colds or allergies.

Avoid Dairy Products


Often, those who suffer from acid reflux have cow’s milk sensitivities. While you can always go for lactose-free or fat-free versions of milk products, eliminating them completely is still recommended if you want a lasting solution. This includes yogurt, ice cream and cottage cheese as well. If you rely on dairy for calcium intake, there are still plenty of other options available such as almond milk and soy milk; they both have just as much calcium as cow’s milk but none of the negative effects.

Try Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid, which helps to reduce excess uric acid. By adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your morning smoothie, you can help prevent kidney stones, and also lower your cholesterol or manage diabetes. This combination may still have some of the benefits of ACV without some of the negative side effects, so drink it with warm water in the morning and add raw honey for flavor. For example, it's been linked to upset stomach and heartburn for some people. And if you have certain autoimmune disorders or gut issues, like leaky gut syndrome, you may want to consult your doctor before including apple cider vinegar into your diet for a long time.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

How To Reduce Cholesterol Without Medication

If you have high cholesterol and are concerned about your health, you’re not alone. One out of every three adults in the United States has high cholesterol, and more than half of those with the condition don’t even know it. If you want to reduce your cholesterol levels without medication, here are three natural ways to do so. Reducing cholesterol naturally can help keep your heart healthy and lower your risk of heart disease, so it’s worth it to try these techniques first if you’re looking to maintain or improve your health long-term. 


There are lots of reasons why you might want to lower your cholesterol, and if you have high LDL cholesterol, or even non-high-density lipoprotein (HDL) — that’s bad — then going on a statin drug or other treatment is probably a good idea. But there are natural ways you can also try to lower your risk of heart disease while taking fewer drugs: Stay active, get some fresh air and avoid unhealthy foods. Research has shown that eating less animal fat, consuming more unsaturated fats like olive oil and avoiding saturated fats can lower your risk of heart disease even if it doesn’t necessarily lead to an improvement in bad (LDL) cholesterol levels. 


When it comes to keeping your cholesterol in check, exercise is more than just a good idea; it’s critical. Not only does regular physical activity help keep your body healthy and strong, but also lowers your blood pressure and improves overall health. If you have heart disease or high blood pressure, exercise can significantly lower these conditions by lowering cholesterol levels and raising good HDL. (It also helps you lose weight, which can positively impact your cardiovascular health.) You don’t need an expensive gym membership or hours of training—just 10 minutes of low-intensity exercise three times a week is enough. Take a stroll at lunch instead of sitting behind your desk all day, take the stairs instead of riding in an get the picture! 


While a healthy diet and exercise plan can greatly improve your health, you may want to consider supplements. There are certain vitamins that aid in lowering cholesterol levels. Supplements like CoQ10 and lipoic acid have been shown in studies to be effective at helping manage blood pressure and keeping a healthy heart rate. The key is knowing which supplements will help you, so discuss your options with your doctor before adding them into your daily routine.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Five Simple Ways to Stay Healthy


You’ve heard the phrase you are what you eat, and it couldn’t be more true. Even with all the advancements in medicine, diet and nutrition are still the most important factors in determining your overall health. Learn how to make healthy choices today that will benefit you long-term in this article on five simple ways to stay healthy.

Start a Morning Routine

It very well may be pretty much as basic as washing up, putting on a few antiperspirant, cleaning your teeth and making espresso. Just set a caution a little prior each day until you're up and up on time without hitting nap. In time, you'll have the option to begin work prior as well, which will help your efficiency over the course of the day. We will generally get our days rolling in light of when we nod off, not when we awaken; by constraining yourself up early enough, you can put yourself in a good position immediately in your morning schedules.

Eat Breakfast

Make sure you eat breakfast on a daily basis. Not only will eating breakfast help maintain your weight, but it also provides energy and keeps your brain functioning at optimal levels. By starting your day with a healthy meal, you’ll avoid crashes that can lead to cravings later in the day. If you’re having trouble sticking with a healthy breakfast routine, try one of these 50 best breakfasts for weight loss recipes. All of them are low-calorie yet super filling and delicious! Click here to learn more...

Exercise Regularly

Our bodies were designed for physical activity, and it’s no secret that being fit can improve your mood, curb stress and ease depression. If you’re looking for an immediate mood boost, head outside: Taking a walk in nature has been shown to increase positive emotions while lowering negative ones—plus, some research suggests that spending time in natural settings can help us recover from mental fatigue more quickly. What’s more, research shows that exercise (and even just a short period of meditation) makes people more empathetic toward others.
                                 Click here to learn more 

Drink Water Regularly

Making sure you’re hydrated is one of easiest ways to maintain good health. On average, men should drink around three liters of water per day and women need at least two. In order to avoid those 3 p.m. headaches, make sure you grab a glass (or two) in between meals and before bedtime. Drinking enough water each day can also help improve your skin, boost energy levels and protect against diseases such as kidney stones or gallstones. It’s an easy habit that takes just a few minutes but can yield big benefits for your health over time!

Meditate Every Day

meditation has been proven to lower stress levels, improve focus and even increase happiness. In fact, a study from Harvard Medical School has shown that just 10 minutes of meditation per day could help lower your blood pressure over time. Many people use meditation in their daily lives without realizing it. If you like listening to music or having some alone time with a cup of tea, try adding 5 minutes of guided mindfulness into your routine. Headspace is an app that can give you a guided introduction for beginners, with an option for more advanced techniques if you’re already well-versed in mediation.

High Blood Pressure Is a Silent Killer. Here Are The Best Ways To Protect Yourself From Its Deadly Effects.


Having high blood pressure means you’re at greater risk of a stroke or heart attack, which can lead to death. Unfortunately, it’s one of the conditions that we often do not realize we have, and the symptoms are often misinterpreted as something else. The good news is that there are some simple ways to keep your blood pressure under control so you can avoid many of these deadly complications and side effects. Here are the best ways to protect yourself from high blood pressure!

Know Your Numbers 

Hypertension can have destroying outcomes whenever left untreated, yet you can oversee it and lower your gamble of difficulties with standard tests and way of life changes. For instance, keeping a solid weight and integrating exercise into your everyday schedule can go quite far in forestalling hypertension. Your primary care physician will probably suggest taking prescriptions that assist with bringing down your pulse, as well; accept them as endorsed, in light of the fact that in any event, bringing down your numbers by 5% could decrease your gamble of genuine medical problems by 20% or more.



Regular exercise can help lower high blood pressure and decrease your risk of developing heart disease. Heart disease contributes to a majority of deaths related to high blood pressure, so preventing it or at least making sure you have it under control if you already have it is very important if you want to avoid becoming one of those statistics. It’s also important that you try and manage your stress levels as much as possible; these too have been linked with an increased risk of having high blood pressure, which just means more reason for relaxation techniques like yoga, deep breathing or meditation.


Eat Right and Avoid Salt 

Those who have high blood pressure should avoid salty foods altogether and stick to a healthy diet of lean meats, vegetables, whole grains, fruit and dairy. It’s also important not to add extra salt when cooking or at the table. Instead of reaching for that shaker, use herbs and spices like basil and oregano instead—they provide big flavor with little sodium! According to one study published in Hypertension , participants who used less than 3 grams of salt per day were more likely to experience lower blood pressure readings than those who added more than 6 grams of salt into their diets each day.


Take Your Medication Correctly 

Keeping your prescriptions on time and following physician's instructions for doses and consume less calories will guarantee you're dealing with your heart however much as could be expected. In the event that you're not doing that, it might appear as though there isn't a lot of you can do about your hypertension — yet there is! Ensure you deal with yourself by not eating undesirable food varieties or skipping suppers; even little changes can have a major effect in your life and prosperity.


Have Conversations With Your Doctor About Your Condition 

Notwithstanding prescription, specialists frequently exhort patients with hypertension to make changes in their regular routines and diet to keep BP inside typical reaches. Working on specific propensities or making specific way of life changes can be especially hard for those with occupied, unpleasant ways of life. Nonetheless, by assuming responsibility for your high BP and giving your best all alone, you'll find that overseeing it becomes simpler over the long run — thus does diminishing your gamble of different confusions connected with high BP. Be proactive about observing your condition; talk with your primary care physician routinely about how your hypertension treatment is going, examine any new side effects that emerge as well as any old ones that haven't settled at this point, and clarify pressing issues on the off chance that you don't figure out something!